Spell Dedicated (2024)

1. dedicated - English spelling dictionary - Spellzone

  • dedicated - adjective. devoted to a cause or ideal or purpose; solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose. dedicated - thesaurus.

  • Learn how to spell dedicated and view the definition and translation in Spellzone.

2. dedication - English spelling dictionary - Spellzone

  • Missing: spell | Show results with:spell

  • Learn how to spell dedication and view the definition and translation in Spellzone.

3. How To Spell Dedicated (And How To Misspell It Too) | Spellcheck.net

4. Dedication (Wizard Spell) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition ...

  • ... dedicated. This is a popular spell among chasseurs and purifiers ... If a second dedication spell is cast on the same target before the 72 hours ...

  • This potent dweomer provides benefits for a single target who is engaged in an ongoing activity which is named at the time the spell is cast. The spell allows either the caster or a creature designated as the spell recipient to be endowed with the following benefits. The target needs no sleep for the duration of the spell and can push on, traveling farther or working beyond what would normally be possible. At the end of this time, the target must rest normally or become exhausted and unable to d

5. dedicate | definition for kids - Kids Wordsmyth

  • Similar Spelling. More results. Show multi-word results · Browse in wordlist · See ... She has dedicated her life to helping others. similar words: · apply ...

  • to set apart for a special use or purpose. : to devote to a particular person, cause, or course of action. : to formally attach someone's name to something as a token of affection or respect.... See the full definition

6. What is the Spell Shop? — Sky: Children of the Light Help Center

  • ... spells and such from Forgotten Ark and the Sleepy Travelling Merchant's boat. Dedicated Spell Shops during Events. Sky Ball Shop at the Village of Dreams.

  • Spell Shops are places scattered throughout the world of Sky where you can exchange various currencies (candles, hearts, ascended candles, etc.)

7. Spell Check Won't Run at all - Adobe Community - 14772165

  • Jul 31, 2024 · Português. 日本語コミュニティ. Dedicated community for Japanese speakers. 한국 커뮤니티. Dedicated community for Korean speakers. Sign In. Exit.

  • Finalizing a layout and though we have looked at this many times for spelling and grammatical errors, I still prefer to run "Check Spelling" as a option before going to print. However, nothing is happening at all. I have looked at everything under the sun online and have found zero answers that will...

8. Professional Learning Community and Online Resources - SPELL-Link'd

  • But—you don't need to be using SPELL-Links products to benefit from this vibrant community. Here you'll connect with other dedicated professionals, share ...

  • SPELL-Link'd™ is your collaborative research-to-practice forum for SPELL-Links instructional methods, activities, and strategies. Open to all educators.

9. Home - SPELL JIF

  • The SPELL JIF is a collaborative group of dedicated school professionals who manage our risks to provide the best coverage and outcomes.

Spell Dedicated (2024)


What does it mean to be dedicated? ›

: devoted to a cause, ideal, or purpose : zealous. a dedicated scholar. a novelist with a dedicated following. 2. : given over to a particular purpose.

What is another word for dedicated? ›

Some common synonyms of dedicate are consecrate, devote, and hallow. While all these words mean "to set apart for a special and often higher end," dedicate implies solemn and exclusive devotion to a sacred or serious use or purpose.

What is a word to describe someone who is dedicated? ›

committed, devoted, enthusiastic, faithful, zealous.

What is dedicat? ›

To dedicate is to assign, to commit or to give over. If you dedicate a song you've written to a friend, it means the song belongs to them. If you dedicate yourself to a project, it means you give yourself to it.

What does it mean when someone says you are dedicated? ›

believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to it: a dedicated father/teacher. dedicated to She's completely dedicated to her work.

How can you tell if someone is dedicated? ›

These are nine unmistakable signs of employee dedication:
  1. Known for getting things done.
  2. Punctuality at all times for meetings, work and functions.
  3. Positive attitude and demeanor with the patients, clients or customers and in personal interactions with other employees.
  4. Possesses high work ethic.
Mar 21, 2016

What is an example of dedicated? ›

to give completely your energy, time, etc. to something: He dedicated his life to helping the poor. If you dedicate a book, play, performance, etc., to someone or something, you say publicly that it is in honor of that person or thing: This book is dedicated to my children, Claire and Tom.

How do you say dedicated to someone? ›

Synonyms of dedicated
  1. loyal.
  2. steadfast.
  3. staunch.
  4. devoted.
  5. faithful.
  6. devout.
  7. true.
  8. good.
Aug 25, 2024

What is an example for the word dedicated? ›

dedicate verb [T] (BOOK, ETC.)

He dedicated his poetry to the glory of God. The record is dedicated to her mother, who died recently. The war memorial was dedicated to both Jews and Gentiles.

What is the nearest meaning of dedicated? ›

as in commitment. adherence to something to which one is bound by a pledge or duty her dedication to the ideals of the organization is indeed admirable. commitment. loyalty. devotion.

What does "dedicated woman" mean? ›

If you describe a person as dedicated, you mean that they are devoted to a particular purpose or cause.

Which of the following best describes a dedicated person? ›

A person who is dedicated is defined as: devoted to a task or purpose. Having single minded loyalty or integrity. Behaviors are habits you can develop.

What does it mean when someone gets dedicated? ›

[noncount] : a feeling of very strong support for or loyalty to someone or something : the quality or state of being dedicated to a person, group, cause, etc. It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we managed to finish the project on time.

What does it mean to be dedicated to someone special? ›

to devote (oneself, one's time, etc) wholly to a special purpose or cause; commit wholeheartedly or unreservedly. 2. ( foll by to) to address or inscribe (a book, artistic performance, etc) to a person, cause, etc as a token of affection or respect.

What is the verb of dedicated? ›

verb (used with object)

, ded·i·cat·ed, ded·i·cat·ing. to set apart and consecrate to a deity or to a sacred purpose: The ancient Greeks dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.

What makes someone a dedicated person? ›

A dedicated person is persistent, focused, and willing to work hard to accomplish what they set out to do. They have a strong sense of purpose, and are often motivated by a deep passion for their work or a desire to make a positive impact on others.

What does it mean to dedicate someone? ›

to give completely your energy, time, etc. to something: He dedicated his life to helping the poor. If you dedicate a book, play, performance, etc., to someone or something, you say publicly that it is in honor of that person or thing: This book is dedicated to my children, Claire and Tom.

Is being dedicated a good thing? ›

It is important to be dedicated because it allows you to focus on your goals and achieve them. When you are dedicated, you do not give up easily. You push through the tough times and continue working towards your goal. This is what leads to success.

What does it mean for a child to be dedicated? ›

Child dedication is the act of giving back to God the gift he has given to you. It is an act of worship, thanksgiving, dependence, trust and commitment. The ceremony is an opportunity to make your commitment public before God, your friends and family.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.