#yandere tanjiro x reader | tinandabin (2025)

"yandere tanjiro finds out that his y/n is fighting in some illegal fighting ring and tries to stop the fight while going into panic mode. But he can’t due to to the huge crowd surrounding the ring itself (and prob betting on who will win or not) The more he’s forced to watch y/n fight, the more anxious he gets.

You can choose the ending! (Will y/n notice tanjiro? will y/n win or loose? what will tanjiro do to y/n after the match etc) Female reader please , thank you. :)"


I hope you like this! Thank you for requesting. :))


Following your scent, which he had memorised by the heart, Tanjiro ended up in a...illegal fighting ring. It's okay! It must get boring staying locked up!

Looking around, Tanjiro hoped to spot you in the crowd but rather, he found out you are the one who is gonna be fighTING?!

He does all that stuff to keep you safe and protected from the world and you do this? Running away and fighting on purpose? If you wanted to get rid of a person, you could have always asked him! You are so pure, why would you dirty your hands like that? Or even risk your safety!

He tries to push through the crowd and asks them to move out of the way, but they are cheering too loud and are not even budging. He doesn't wanna cause a scene. He just wanted to cuddle you after his mission.

"Excuse me! Please, move." Trying to stay calm and patient, Tanjiro tapped someone on the shoulder and asked them to move.

Huffing in anger, the person turned around and chuckled saying, "Get out of this place, kid. It's not for weak people like you." Elbowing Tanjiro out of the way, the person turned back to the ring.

"I bet that girl won't win."

"Nah, Nah, she seems strong. 20$."

"Confident, aren't you? I bet 50$ she will lose."

Slightly anxious Tanjiro tried getting your attention by waving his hands around, hoping you will recognise him.

And you did.

But really, getting out of that place and being able to fight someone? Nope. Not passing this opportunity, because whether you get hurt or not, Tanjiro will still fret and probably lock you up.

So might as well enjoy this! The crowd's cheers were hyping you up and the adrenaline of not doing what Tanjiro wants is also there.

"Girly! Get off here while you can!" The woman you were gonna be fighting scoffed at you. Though, she was also a bit concerned what you were doing here. People who don't have much money and have to gain some quick cash come here to either bet or fight.

You seemed as if you are in a good enough place to not end up here. Plus, you seemed pretty young too. Really, she would feel guilty for hurting someone. And the fact that someone is still a kid?

Glaring at the woman, you replied, "Nuh-uh!!" Going back knowing Tanjiro is right there? Sorry, you like your limited freedom very much.

"1!!" The crowds started cheering louder, placing more money on their bets as some threw a few things at the ring.

"2!!" Tanjiro started growing more anxious, he knew you noticed him yet you were ignoring him to risk your safety! Even the lady gave you a chance to back off and come back in his arms where he can protect you! No wonder he had kidnapped you. You doing so reckless things will surely cause him to get high blood pressure.

"3!!" Both of the females glared at each other as they stopped flexing their muscles.

"START!!" And so did the fight start.


Huffing slightly as you tried to get up but failed to do so as the woman sitting on your back, her hands holding your hair and pulling on them harshly.

Blood ran down your nose as you struggled to get up. The woman, who you learn the name of was Emiko, was in a bad shape too. Not as bad as you, but you did a fair number on her.

Her wrist was broken and red as she had a bloody nose, sweat rolling down her face as she gulped the air down trying to keep a steady hold on you.

"Give up...you will-lose anyways.." Tired, she hoarsely mumbled out.

"No..-" You started but were rudely interrupted by a person starting down the countdown.


Tanjiro was literally gonna cry throughout the whole fight but some people were blocking his view and he wasn't able to see the fight clearly. And he was screaming your name whenever you got hurt but the people thought he was cheering for you, he was close to hyperventilating!

And he wasn't even able to get through the crowd towards you. But gladly for him, the countdown has finally started so he can take you back home.

"2!!" The crowd, well rather the people who had betted you would win stood still with bated breath. While the rest of the people were cheering for Emiko to hold on just for a few more seconds.


"1!!!" Everyone started collecting their money as Emiko got off you, telling, "You put a fair match. A shame you didn't win."

After grabbing a towel and throwing one at you, she left the ring as she went to get some water while you just kind of..laid there.

Well that was for 2 minutes because Tanjiro was immediately at your side as fast as he could.

"(NAME), what were YOU thiNKING risking your safety LIKE THIS??" Tanjiro fretted as he picked you up bridal style and using his main character + the sun breathing user + a demon slayer powers he very easily ran towards his home.

Reaching his home, he instantly called out for Nezuko.

"Nezuko? Are you awake?" Tanjiro questioned out loud in his home as he sat you down on a futon.

"MHMMH!!" Running towards Tanjiro, Nezuko nodded her head vigorously as Tanjiro asked her to heal you.

Excitedly Nezuko went towards you and used her blood demon art to heal you as you were fast asleep. Getting into the futon with you, Nezuko turned into a kid as she snuggled with you.

Soon enough Tanjiro joined you, not after making the sleepy you drink something.


"Tanjiro, why can't I...move my body?" Alarmed, you tried moving your fingers or legs but no matter how hard you tried. You couldn't.

"Ah, about that, my love! I couldn't have you risking your safety so I had made you drink a drug that would numb you!" Smiling, Tanjiro replied as he made you sit up.

"Don't worry. I will take care of you." Tanjiro wiped your tears as you silently cried. Even speaking was tiring..

"Baby, this is the consequences of your own actions. Don't worry, I will still be here for you though." ~ Tanjiro Kamado.


#yandere tanjiro x reader | tinandabin (2025)


Which girl has a crush on Tanjiro? ›

Kanao is seen holding her hands close to her chest and slightly blushing, and falls flat on her face when Kiyo unexpectedly calls out to her from behind. It is implied in an extra chapter following the end of the Functional Recovery Training Arc that she may have had a crush on Tanjiro.

Who fall in love with Tanjiro? ›

His love interest that develops as the story goes on is Kanao Tsuyuri and their romance is quite adorable.

Who do people ship Tanjiro with the most? ›

Popular Ships
  • TanKana.
  • ZenTan.
  • Kanao Tsuyuri.
  • Demon Slayer.
  • IzuOcha.
  • Nezuko Kamado.
  • GiyuShino.
  • Zenitsu Agatsuma.
Jul 14, 2024

What did Makomo say to Tanjiro? ›

She trains Tanjiro for six more months until he's finally able to defeat Sabito in a duel. Makomo commends Tanjiro and tells him to never forget what he's done. She disappears into the mist, asking him to defeat a certain someone. Thanks to Makomo's guidance, Tanjiro is finally able to slice the boulder.

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It is confirmed in the Volume 23 extras that Inosuke and Aoi did eventually end up together and that they have two great-grandsons, one of whom is Aoba.

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Related to Why Does Muichiro Have A Crush on Mitsuri

Make sure to follow for more Demon Slayer Facts!

Who kisses Tanjiro? ›

Tanjiro x nezuko kiss

Experience the touching bond between Tanjiro and Nezuko with their heartfelt kiss. Discover the most memorable moments of their relationship and be captivated by their love story.

Who has a crush on Mitsuri? ›

Obanai Iguro

Obanai is deeply in love with Mitsuri, as he has stated in the manga.

Who is Tanjiro's future wife? ›

Her sincerity in her feelings makes her a very interesting and inspiring person. In the future, Kanao Tsuyuri and Tanjiro Kamado will get married. Despite the fact that their relationship ended with a brief conversation in front of a Sakura tree, Tanjiro and Kanao will get married in the future.

Who is shipped with Daki? ›

15Daki & NezukoNezuko Kamado
11UzuDakiTengen Uzui
8Daki & TanjiroTanjiro Kamado
6 more rows

What is Tanjiro's canon ship? ›

Well technically only Kanao×Tanjiro is the well developed ship in the series, where both affected the other in major way and they have chemistry, the rest are just random ships. Zenitsu x Nezuko is less fleshed out than Inosuke x Aoi? Tanjiro x Kanao is HEAVILY fleshed out through the entire series.

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In his characteristic style, Zenitsu explains to Tanjiro that he is just a weakling who will most likely get killed in his next job, so he implores him to protect him until he gets married. The duo mutually agree to cooperate from then on and end up becoming the closest friends.

Did Giyuu cry when Tanjiro died? ›

When Tanjiro is presumed dead after the battle with Muzan Kibutsuji, Giyu cries and blames himself for not being able to protect him. When Tanjiro becomes a Demon, however, Giyu shows little hesitation to attack him with the intent to kill unlike others who are close to Tanjiro.

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Makomo's pet phrase is that she loves Sakonji very much. She is also a somewhat mysterious person, as she always speaks in an abstract and dreamy way without ever giving straight answers to questions about her past.

Why did Nezuko cry after headbutting Tanjiro? ›

She tries to wake her brother up for a head pat and then proceeds to give him a headbutt in frustration when she is unable to rouse him. However, due to Tanjiro's comically hard forehead, she ends up splitting her own forehead open and starts bleeding. This causes her to cry and use her Blood Demon Art on his brother.

Does Kanroji have a crush on Tanjiro? ›

There are a few people who could mistake this for romantic feelings. But there is no way one can conclude by stating that Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira, had romantic feelings towards Tanjiro Kamado. She is just friendly towards every person she meets, irrespective of their gender.

Who is Nezuko's crush? ›

Demon Slayer: Analyzing the concluding chapters to ascertain Nezuko's love interest. Nezuko marries Zenitsu Agatsuma in the Demon Slayer series. Let's understand how we arrived at this conclusion. The concluding arc of the manga is focused solely on the fight taking place between the demon hunters and Kibutsuji Muzan.

Who is Shinobu's love interest? ›

Shinobu and Giyuu are not implied to be a couple, but there's a healthy portion of the fandom who read a little more into their combative interactions. Some even believe that Giyuu and Shinobu embody a bickering couple who are beyond comfortable with each other.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.