The manga Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaibais written by Koyoharu Gotōge, about a young boy named Tanjiro who goes on an arduous journey of not only fighting demons and exacting revenge for the death of his family, but also to turn his half-demon sister back into a human.
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Ever since its first episode aired, the series became an instant hit. Praised was given to its faced paced plot and its stunning animation. Even though the plot had nothing new to offer, fans lapped it up and begged for more. This article will discuss 10 little known facts about the series' protagonist. Be warned - this article has manga spoilers ahead!
10 He's A Very Emphatic Person
Despite empathy being a defining trait of many male shounen protagonists, Tanjiro takes his empathy too far sometimes. While it is good to be kind to people, Tanjiro is often seen sympathizing with demons and hesitating to attack them, as a result of which he has often been taken advantage of, both emotionally and in the battlefield.
9 His Demon Slayer Mark
Upon being attacked by theUpper Moon Six demon named Gyutaro, Tanjiro's demon mark was awakened for the first time. The second time it happened when Tanjiro was battling Upper Moon three's Akaza. This mark has shown to increase his speed, strength and agility tenfold, giving him the benefit of defeating powerful monsters he would otherwise not have been able to kill.
8 He Has Rough Hands
This is a small detail that's mentioned for a few seconds in the anime, something many fans would have missed. Ever since Tanjiro decided to become a demon slayer, he had to find a master and undergo strict training. It's been noted that his master Sakonji Urokodaki's tough training resulted in Tanjiro's hands becoming rougher.
7 Tanjiro Goes Into A Coma
The anime hasn't caught up to the manga yet, so most anime fans will not know this detail. In the Swordsmith Village Arc in the manga, after a huge battle at Gyutari with Daki, Tanjiro goes into a coma.
When he's comatose, he dreams of his ancestor Sumiyoshi, his wife and an unknown man with long hair. When he finally wakes up, he finds Kanao looking deeply concerned. She explains everything that happened to him, including the fact that he was gone for 2 months.
6 He's Banned From A Specific Hashira Training Program Activity
This occurs during the Hashira Training Arc in the Demon Slayer manga. The Hashira Training Program, as the name suggests, is a program for Demon Slayers to participate in. Tanjiro manages to finish every course he participates in, save one. And that is the Wind Hashira course, who have banned him for attacking one of their own - Genya.
5 He Looks Similar To His Ancestor
Tanjiro has an ancestor named Sumiyoshi, about whom not much has been revealed. It has been explained that both these men look very similar in appearances, despite Sumiyoshi's hair is much longer and tied back in a ponytail. This yet another manga fact which was never mentioned in the anime,
4 Muzan Is The First One To Bring Out His Inner Rage
Muzan is the primary antagonist of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, and the reason why demons are wreaking havoc in the human world. Tanjiro's first meeting with Muzan ends with him being confused about his identity (since he is with his human family). However, when they meet later again, Muzan manages to escape Tanjiro's grip. As a result of which, the young boy flies into a rage (something that no one knew was hidden inside him) and swears to cut off the demon's head.
3 He Can Smell Those Who Are Underground
The anime makes it clear that Tanjiro has a keen sense of smell, much like his master Sakonji Urokodaki. However, one tiny detail most fans are unaware of is that Tanjiro is able to smell what's hiding beneath layers and layers of soil. His master also claimed that the young boy had a “scent of kindness” himself and shrugged him off as someone too weak to make life and death decisions.
2 Tanjiro's VA Was Popular For Doing Sad Roles
Natsuki Hanae is a semi-popular voice actor in Japan who's most well known for voicing sad male characters. Tanjiro was his very first shounen lead, and Hanae said he had a lot of fun voicing him, especially since Tanjiro allowed him to test his vocal range and abilities a lot more than his usual crop of characters.
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Akari Kito, the voice actress of Nezuko, likened to him a big brother and said that he behaves with her exactly how Tanjiro is with Nezuko on screen.
1 Tanjiro Becomes A Demon
After Tanjiro manages to defeat Muzan in an epic battle, Muzan transfers all his emotions into Tanjiro and turns him into a demon. Now since he has lost his humanity, Tanjiro starts blindly attacking Demon Slayers around him. However, a flashback helps him in regaining control of his human side.
NEXT: Demon Slayer: 10 Historical Connections To Actual Japanese History You Never Noticed