An Unfortunate Nurse [Muzan x Reader] - Chapter 13 - misternintendo - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

"____." Sleepy mumbling was all that could be heard from a sleeping nurse, who was entirely unaware of the demon looming over her, attempting to shake her awake. "Wake up." She remained asleep. He climbed up on the bed next to her, and the jostling of the pillows and blankets woke her up. The first thing she saw that morning was an irritated Muzan inches away from her face.

"What the f*ck-?!" She exclaimed, grabbing a pillow and hitting him with it. "Get away! Demon!" He easily grabbed the pillow and yanked it away, grumbling in annoyance. "Stop attacking me, brat." He hit her back, but very gently in the side. "Why are you here? It's morning! The sun is out!" She told him, worriedly. "The curtains are closed. I'm sorry, I missed you so much."

He replied, reaching his hand out and caressing her hair, before attempting to give her a kiss. "It's literally 6:00 AM! You can't just wake me up because you missed me! It's only been 9 hours!" She sputtered, shoving his face away. His eyes looked disappointed, and his hair drooped in his face. He looked like a sad puppy. "I missed you."

He repeated, tears falling from his eyes. "You are the most clingy being on this planet." She sighed, but gave him a comforting head-pat. He felt his tears running down his face, he felt horrible for bothering her, but the burning ache in his chest had gotten far too much for him to handle. "You said you wanted to spend the day with me? What would you like to do?"

She tried to be reassuring, but he was already in despair. "I-I'm sorry, I just missed you so much, and I wanted to spend time with you now that I'm not weak- and-" That was all he could get out before launching himself into her arms, barely holding back sobs. She sighed, of course the day had started out like this. After quietly assuring him over and over that he wasn't a bother, he managed to pull himself together and start tugging her to the kitchen.

"I want to make breakfast with you." He demanded, tightening his hold on her hand and dragging her to the counter. "But, you can't eat human food, right?" She questioned, confused. "No, but you can. I will simply help make it." He responded, rummaging through the fridge. "What do you want?" He asked, but his voice sounded strained. It was obvious he hated the smell of human food.

"Hmm.. scrambled eggs." She answered, gently pushing him out of the way and grabbing a box of eggs. "Do you knowhow to cook?" She snorted. "Yes, of course I do." He would have gotten away with the lie if his eye hadn't twitched. "It's alright, I can show you how." She smiled, taking the egg and placing it gently in his hands. "Okay, so this is what's going to happen." She explained, leading him over to the stove where she had a cooking pan with butter spread across it.

He looked unsure of what to do, he was used to givingorders. Notfollowingthem. "You need to crack the egg on the edge of the pan, and let it fall in." She instructed. "I'm going to get out the seasoning. I like my eggs seasoned." She told him, going to the other side of the kitchen. He shrugged, surely it couldn't be difficult. He cracked the egg against the edge of the pan, allowing the yolk andthe eggshells to fall in. "Done." He turned to face her, a stoic expression on his face.

She held back a sigh, at least he tried. "Okay- so I noticed that you didn't do itcompletely right." She said, patting his shoulder. "What do you mean? I did exactly as you asked." He looked annoyed. "It's okay! You're supposed to keep the eggshells out. We just want the yolk in the pan." She explained gently, taking the pan and dumping the contents out in the trash.

"You just didn't explain it well enough." He muttered, crossing his arms against his chest. "Yes, it's my fault. Now come on, try again." She encouraged him, handing him another egg. He sighed and followed her previous instructions, and got it right this time. "I did it." He announced, looking fairly proud of himself. She giggled, it was so nice seeing him proud of his accomplishments instead of degrading other's.

Muzan did his best to follow her next instructions, which included adding chives and salt. "I already cut up the chives, so you just need to sprinkle them around." She told him, convinced that there was no way to mess this up. Except that there was. "Don't let them get on the stove-top!" She face palmed, grabbing a napkin and sweeping it off the hot surface.

He grumbled, and pinched her cheek. "You didn't tell me I couldn't do that." He muttered. ____ sighed, shoving his hand away. "Just keep it on the eggs. That's how you season it." She replied, keeping calm. "Fine." This time he did it successfully. After she added the salt, they began to finish up. They got the scrambled eggs on a plate, and it looked great! And, it tasted great. "Wonderful job, Muzan!" She praised after swallowing her first bite.

"Now all that's left is to clean up." She placed her hands on her hips, staring up at him warmly.

He looked around, internally groaning. There were napkins, bits of salt, eggshells on the counterand the floor. The stove was clean enough, but there was some stains on it from previous cooking-accidents. "Very well." He did not complain, but he certainly felt like it. She handed him a broom and a wet towel. She got to work scrubbing the stains off the stove, and he did his best to sweep up any mess on the floor. He cleaned the counters, but he wasn't very good at it.

She laughed as her eyes landed on the counter, he had gotten most of the eggshells and salt off, but there was still some greasy, sticky spots where the butter had been. She decided to take over, hurrying to finish quickly. It was already 8:30 AM, and she wanted to do some more things other than cooking. After the kitchen was spotless, they collapsed on the couch, but quickly began thinking of other things to do.

"Board games?" She suggested. She had millions of them, after all, she had to havesomeway to relax after a long day of studying demons. "No." He looked bored. "Okayyy, how about we play charades?" She tried. "...What the hell is a 'charade'?" He sounded annoyed. "Oh, it's this new game. One person acts out what they are, and-" He rolled his eyes, another useless 'game' that humans played. "No."

"Fine then. What doyou want to do?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest. He remained silent for a few seconds, before quietly mumbling, "I want to play with the cats." She beamed at him, her heart fluttering. "Okay!" She looked around the living room, attempting to locate them. They were all wrestling on the couch, their meows were so cute to her.

She scooped them all up and gently placed them all in Muzan's lap, giggling as she did so. He looked down at the tiny creatures that were pawing at him and emitting strange little sounds. He effortlessly picked up one of them, he couldn't help but smirk at how helpless it was. "What's this one's name?" He questioned. "Oh! That one's Sammy!" She answered, her face flushed red. She loved introducing people to her cats.

"Sammy." He repeated. Sammy was a female brown tabby cat, with beautiful green eyes. "And this one is Simon!" She pointed at the yellow tabby, who clawed furiously at his poor tie. "He loves to swat at everything." She chuckled. Muzan looked to a different one, the black cat was sleeping. "That one is Bobby. He sleeps a lot." She told him softly. "And this one?" He pointed at a white tabby, which was now on top of his shoulder.

"That's Belle. She's always getting into mischief." She smiled. He looked pleased that they all seemed to take a liking to him, except for Simon. He certainly did like his tie though. ____ looked down to her own lap, where Cleo and Claire were sat. They seemed to enjoy each other's company, and had gotten along with the rest of the cats fairly well.

Muzan looked at Claire, the one he owned. She was a beautiful orange tabby, with blue eyes. How odd. Cleo, ____'s cat, was a Siamese. "I'm afraid Claire will have to live with you. I can't keep her at the Infinity Castle." He told her, reaching out to pat the orange cat's head. "Aww. Alright. She's gonna miss you though." She sighed. He chuckled, he couldn't help but notice how excited she was, even though she was desperately trying to cover it up as disappointment. To her, this simply meant she got to take care of another cat.

He then noticed Belle was attempting to climb on top of his head. "Hey, cut that out." He muttered, placing his hands on the sides of the cat. He lifted her off of his shoulder, but winced as sharp claws sliced through his wrist's skin. Ow. "Belle!" ____ scolded, delivering a soft pat on her head. Muzan felt a twinge of annoyance, he now knew head pats were not reserved for just him. How rude.

"Muzan, do you want to give treats to the cats?" She asked, smiling warmly at him. "....Yes." He slowly nodded, he was enjoying his time with the cats. "Alright, I'll be right back!" She stood up to go get the treats from the kitchen, with Cleo and Claire scrambling away from her feet. Muzan kept his attention on Cleo and Claire, the other cats seemed to like them. Belle and Cleo certainly seemed to get along, they were the only two cats with blue eyes.

He was startled when Simon and Bobby startled to climb up his arms, these cats certainly did like to climb things. He grunted, attempting to pry them off of his sleeves. However, it was difficult to get them both off at once, and now Cleo and Claire were joining the raid. He suddenly found himself under attack as the cats overtook him, and he was forced down on his back on the floor, his face red. They were rather adorable, but he felt humiliated being under attack by six cats.

He struggled, attempting to push them away, but failed miserably as they simply sat down on top of him. It was quite a sight as ____ walked in holding her cat treats, her eyes widening in disbelief as she saw Muzan struggling against her cute little cats. She burst into a fit of giggles, her giggles turning into laughs as Muzan called for help. "They're attacking me!" He huffed, furiously.

She helped pry the cats off of him, and he now sat directly next to ____. She would protect him from the little beasts. She was now handing them the little treats, he admired her bravery for daring to feed the troglodytes. "I'm not sure I like your cats anymore." He told her, tight lipped. "They were just playing." She giggled, watching as Simon walked up to Muzan, rolling onto his back. "He's mocking me!" He persisted, determined to convince her that they hated him. "He wants a belly rub." She snorted.

He looked down at the cat, he swore he saw an evil gleam in it's eye. "Fine." He muttered, reaching his hand out. He was merely doing this to please his beloved. "And make sure to feed him a treat as well." She reminded him, handing over a cat treat." Oh, the things he did for her. He pulled his hand back and took the treat, observing it. He hoped it was poisoned. He fed it to the cat, that nibbled on his fingers once it was done. "Hey!" He recoiled, whirling around to face ____. "See? He bit me!"

She rolled her eyes, this literal demon was actually convinced a cathated him. "It was an accident." She huffed, picking up the cat and pressing kisses against his head. Muzan stared into Simon's eyes with hatred, of course she took the stupid cat's side. After feeding the rest of the cats, they went to her room. They were at her desk, she had a pencil in hand, and she was determined to write a letter to the Upper Moons she had met. This included Kokushibo, Douma, and Nakime. "I hope I can see Nakime again soon, she was so sweet."

Muzan bit his tongue, she wouldn't think Nakime was 'sweet' after finding out what she did as a human. But, he didn't want to ruin her mood. "What would Kokushibo like in a letter? Should I thank him for bringing me to the Infinity Castle? Or just say hello?" She thought out loud, tapping her pencil against her chin. "He would appreciate a thank you." Muzan answered for her, he did not like the idea of her sending letters to him just to say 'hello'. He didn't like her sending letters to him in general, but if she had to it might as well be for professional reasons.

"Alright!" She scribbled a few words down, pausing in between sentences to think of something nice to say. Perhaps she should avoid complimenting his eyes. He might be touchy about that. Once she finished the letter, she set it in the corner of her desk. "Okay. Basically I thanked him for introducing me to you, and not hurting me in the process. I also told him I appreciate his patience while I was treating you." She summarized, grabbing another piece of paper. "Okay, now for Douma's letter."

She took a deep breath. She didn't spend much time with him, only an hour. But she already knew he probably wouldn't even read it. "Uhmm... you know Douma better than me. What should I tell him?" She asked Muzan, who was clenching his jaw. He clearly hated the fact she had even interacted with Douma at all. "Perhaps you shouldn't write to him. I don't want him advertising hiscult to you." He sighed. "I have to saysomething!" She persisted.

"He helped you find the medicine for me, correct? Thank him for that." He shrugged. Her face brightened. "Good idea!" She hurriedly wrote down his suggestion, silently laughing to herself as she remembered how frantic they were to find the medicine. "Should I compliment his eyes?" She questioned. Hedidhave pretty eyes. "No, he doesn't like it when people notice his eyes. Perhaps it's an insecurity." Muzan quickly thought up, doing his best to prevent as much conversation between them as he could. How come she never complimented his eyes?

Finally she made her way down to the final letter. "Okay. Time for Nakime's letter." She smiled to herself, grateful for Nakime's kindness to her while she had been stuck in a stressful position. "I'm just going to tell her how kind and pretty she is." She relaxed, she seemed to feel at peace. She pictured Nakime's voice, remembering how amazed she had been when she had heard it.

"Alright, I'm done with the letters. Make sure to give it to them when you go back to the Infinity Castle." She told Muzan, stacking the letters on top of each other.

Now that they were done with the letters, Muzan demanded to be held on the couch. "Just for a little bit, okay?" She sighed, leading him downstairs to the living room. The cats were all busy eating in the kitchen, so Muzan's fears were at rest for now. ____ sat down, not getting much time before Muzan made his way on top of her, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

She sighed out of contentment, wrapping her arms around him as she peppered his face with kisses, running her hand through his hair. She tightened her hold on him, and he twirled her hair around his finger. Every now and then, he held her face in place, a smirk on his face as he pressed long kisses on her lips, holding her close to him. His hands were firmly holding down her waist, and she was rubbing his back with her hands.

They held each other tightly for a while, with Muzan describing how much he loved her. ____ gazed at him, her eyes full of love and contentment.

"I'm such a fortunate nurse."

An Unfortunate Nurse [Muzan x Reader] - Chapter 13 - misternintendo - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.